


Islamic Center of
Rowlett, Texas

Sunday School

Ignite Young Minds: Enroll in Sunday School at ICR

The Islamic Center of Rowlett (ICR) is delighted to invite children of all ages to join our vibrant and enriching Sunday School program. Our Sunday School is a dynamic educational platform that nurtures young minds, empowering them with Islamic knowledge, values, and a strong moral compass. With a dedicated team of experienced teachers and a comprehensive curriculum, our Sunday School aims to provide a holistic learning experience that integrates Islamic teachings with practical application. Here are the key features and benefits of our Sunday School program:

Islamic Education: Our Sunday School program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of Islamic subjects, including Quranic studies, Hadith (Prophetic traditions), Seerah (Prophetic biography), Islamic ethics and values, Islamic history, and fiqh (jurisprudence). Children will develop a deep understanding of Islam, its principles, and their relevance to their daily lives.

Age-Appropriate Classes: We understand the importance of tailored education to meet the developmental needs of each age group. Our Sunday School program offers age-appropriate classes, ensuring that children receive instruction suitable for their respective grade levels. This approach enables effective learning and engagement, fostering a love for learning about Islam.

Interactive Teaching Methods: We employ interactive teaching methods to make learning enjoyable and engaging for our students. Our teachers utilize a variety of techniques, including storytelling, group discussions, arts and crafts, multimedia resources, and educational games. These methods stimulate curiosity, encourage active participation, and create a positive learning environment.

Quranic Studies and Memorization: Our Sunday School program places a special emphasis on Quranic studies and memorization. Students will learn to recite the Quran with proper Tajweed (Quranic recitation rules) and develop a foundation in understanding its meanings. They will have the opportunity to memorize selected verses and Surahs, nurturing a lifelong connection with the Book of Allah.

Moral and Character Development: We strive to instill strong moral values and character traits in our students. Our Sunday School curriculum focuses on virtues such as honesty, kindness, gratitude, compassion, and responsibility. Through interactive discussions, stories of the Prophets, and practical examples, we aim to cultivate exemplary character in our students.

Community Building: Our Sunday School provides a platform for children to connect with their peers and build a sense of community. They will have the opportunity to form friendships, engage in teamwork, and participate in collaborative projects and events. Our goal is to foster a supportive and inclusive community where children feel a sense of belonging.

Parental Involvement: We recognize the crucial role of parents in their children’s education. Our Sunday School encourages parental involvement through regular communication, parent-teacher conferences, workshops, and volunteer opportunities. We believe that a strong partnership between parents and the Sunday School enhances the educational experience for children.

Enriching Extracurricular Activities: In addition to the core curriculum, our Sunday School program offers enriching extracurricular activities, including field trips, Quranic competitions, storytelling sessions, Islamic art workshops, and community service initiatives. These activities provide opportunities for students to explore their talents, develop leadership skills, and engage with the broader community.

At ICR Sunday School, we believe in nurturing young minds, fostering a love for Islam, and empowering the next generation of confident and knowledgeable Muslims. Join us on this exciting journey of learning and personal growth. Enroll your children in our Sunday School program and provide them with a solid foundation in Islamic education.