


Islamic Center of
Rowlett, Texas

Religious Services

Religious Services at ICR: Nurturing Faith and Building Community

At the Islamic Center of Rowlett (ICR), we are committed to providing a nurturing environment where individuals can deepen their faith, engage in spiritual growth, and foster strong bonds within the community. Our diverse range of religious services aims to cater to the spiritual needs of all community members. Here is a glimpse of the religious services we offer:

Daily Prayers (Salah): We conduct the five obligatory daily prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha) in congregation, providing a peaceful space for community members to connect with their Creator and find solace in collective worship.

Jumu’ah (Friday) Prayer: Every Friday, we gather for Jumu’ah prayer, a special congregational prayer that includes a sermon (khutbah) delivered by our knowledgeable Imams. It is an opportunity for spiritual reflection, guidance, and communal unity.

Taraweeh Prayer: During the blessed month of Ramadan, we hold Taraweeh prayers after the evening Isha prayer. These congregational prayers allow worshippers to engage in the recitation of the Holy Quran, fostering a spiritual atmosphere and strengthening their connection with Allah.

Eid Prayers: On the joyous occasions of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, we organize congregational Eid prayers, bringing the community together to celebrate and express gratitude. These prayers are followed by festive gatherings and community activities.

Educational Programs: ICR is dedicated to facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and nurturing a deeper understanding of Islam. We offer various educational programs, including Quran classes, Islamic studies, youth programs, and seminars conducted by qualified scholars and educators.

Counseling and Guidance: Our experienced Imams and community leaders are available to provide spiritual counseling and guidance to individuals and families facing personal, religious, or social challenges. We strive to support community members in their journey towards spiritual well-being and personal growth.

Special Occasions and Events: Throughout the year, we organize special religious events and programs to commemorate significant Islamic occasions such as Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Power, and the Prophet’s Birthday (Mawlid). These events provide opportunities for spiritual enrichment, learning, and community engagement.

At ICR, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, where individuals from all backgrounds can find solace, build connections, and grow spiritually. We encourage community members to actively participate in our religious services and engage in the vibrant community life at ICR.